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Guía definitiva para Principales corredores de criptomonedas

El panorama financiero se ha visto transformado por las criptomonedas, un tipo de dinero digital destinado al comercio. Recientemente, muchas personas y empresas han empezado a ver lo importante que es. Para manejar este mercado en crecimiento, los corredores de cifrado confiables son esenciales.


Estos corredores son cruciales porque ayudan con las operaciones y brindan otros servicios útiles. Conectan a compradores y vendedores en el mundo de las criptomonedas para garantizar que los acuerdos se realicen sin problemas. También brindan servicios especiales que pueden mejorar mucho el comercio, principalmente para empresas que trabajan con otras empresas.


Sin embargo, elegir un buen corredor entre tantas opciones puede resultar complicado. Cosas como medidas de seguridad, cuánto le cobran por operar, con qué tipos de criptomonedas tratan, qué tan bien ayudan a sus clientes y si sus sistemas son fáciles de usar.


Este artículo analizará los mejores corredores de cifrado de este año y se centrará en lo que hacen por los clientes comerciales. Nuestro objetivo es brindarte todos los detalles que necesitas para que puedas elegir sabiamente.


Pero recuerde que también existen desventajas y peligros cuando se trata del comercio de criptomonedas. Los precios en el mundo de las criptomonedas pueden cambiar mucho rápidamente, lo que significa que su inversión podría perder o ganar valor rápidamente. Por eso siempre recomendamos a nuestros lectores que comprueben las cosas por su cuenta y hablen con expertos si es necesario antes de tomar cualquier decisión.

La importancia de los corredores de criptomonedas en el panorama comercial
Los servicios clave y las ventajas de los brokers criptográficos para empresas B2B
Comprender el papel vital de los corredores confiables

Autor: Ekaterina Podgaiskaya

Última actualización 20 de diciembre


El crecimiento explosivo del mercado criptográfico

Entrar al mundo de las criptomonedas puede parecer como adentrarse en un nuevo universo. Este mercado ha crecido rápidamente, convirtiéndose en un lugar apasionante y lleno de oportunidades. Si miramos atrás, al 29 de diciembre de 2021, vemos que el valor de todas las criptomonedas combinado fue de 2,21 billones de dólares. Sólo un mes antes de eso, había alcanzado su punto más alto con 3,3 billones de dólares.

Comenzando con solo 66 monedas digitales en 2013, en noviembre de 2021, había la asombrosa cantidad de 7,557 criptomonedas diferentes disponibles para comerciar e invertir. Avance rápido hasta el 9 de agosto de 2023, y sus números han seguido aumentando.

Pero no todo es fácil en este mercado dinámico, ya que el año anterior el mundo de las criptomonedas se sacudió debido a

problemas que surgen de FTX, lo que provocó que miles de millones de dólares desaparecieran de la capitalización de mercado en cuestión de días.

Después de recuperarse inicialmente a principios del año 2023, el verano trajo más mínimos para los valores de las criptomonedas, en parte porque la gente estaba preocupada por los tiempos económicos difíciles a nivel mundial.

En agosto de 2023, este mercado en rápida evolución tenía muchos atractivos, especialmente Bitcoin. Es como la estrella brillante de este universo financiero; casi todo el mundo ha oído hablar de él: el 90%, según una encuesta deAsesor de Forbes captado en el Reino Unido. Esta popular moneda lidera la carga con una postura impresionante: representa casi la mitad (47% para ser exactos) de lo que se valora en todos los criptoactivos.

Explore cómo la plataforma bancaria Velmie puede ayudar a su organización a adoptar la tecnología de IA y ML

Why Usage-Based Billing Became Popular for SaaS

There are a lot of reasons as to why usage based billing is becoming so popular so rapidly, let’s have a look at a few of them!


First and foremost, the natural customer demand for flexibility has been a major driver of usage based billing’s popularity. In today's quick-paced business environment, customers want solutions that can change to their changing needs. Usage-based billing offers this flexibility! The ability to scale up or down based on actual usage is a much more personalized and cost-effective solution.

Revenue Optimization

Another major reason why these systems are getting so popular is that they improve revenue! SaaS companies can gather more value from heavy users while also providing entry-level access to new customers at the most affordable costs. This leveled approach plays a major role in increasing the revenue potential across all customer segments. We can take the example of a company offering a project management tool that charges high-volume users based on the number of projects managed or the amount of storage used. At the same time it offers free or low-cost access to smaller teams or individual users.

Staying Competitive

Market competitiveness also plays a significant role in pushing the popularity of usage-based billing. As more and more SaaS companies adopt this innovative model, it has become a real competitive edge. Offering flexible billing options can actually help attract and retain customers in a saturated and high-competition market. Businesses that provide usage-based billing show their commitment to meeting customer needs and staying ahead of industry trends. 

Easy Implementation

Another major driver is that technological advancements have made it extremely easier for SaaS companies to add and manage usage-based billing systems. The development of very complex metering and tracking tools, as well as automated billing and invoicing solutions, has majorly streamlined the whole process. What this kind of tech ensures is accuracy and efficiency! And as a result you have a much reduced administrative burden on businesses to allow them to focus on what’s actually important!

Customer Satisfaction

Improved customer satisfaction is one of the major key factors pushing the implementation of usage-based billing in the SaaS industry. Transparent billing fosters trust and satisfaction among customers because when they are billed based on their actual usage of services they feel the pricing to be fair. As a result, they are more likely to continue using the services. This satisfaction also means that there will be a higher retention rate and better customer loyalty. What’s more is that usage-based billing, at many times, allows customers to try out the latest features or services without choosing a long-term subscription. As a result, they are encouraged to experiment and innovate.


And what’s better than more personalization? Usage-based billing methods are just in line with the broader industry-level move towards better personalization and customization in the SaaS industry. Customers today expect tailored experiences that cater to their specific or individual needs. By offering a billing model that aligns with the actual usage, SaaS companies can provide not just a more personalized experience but also a customer-centric approach. 

Supporting Innovation

Last but definitely not least, usage based billing supports the greater shift towards value based pricing in the SaaS industry worldwide. Where traditional subscription models a lot of the time fail to capture the true value that clients utilize from a service, usage-based billing directly links the overall pricing to the total value delivered. Happy users are more likely to perceive that the pricing is fair when it matches the actual value they receive from the service.

Usage-Based Billing vs. Subscriptions

But is usage based billing actually better than traditional subscription based billing in the most true essence? Let’s make a comparison shall we? Where traditional subscription models have been the thing in the SaaS industry for quite a long time now, usage-based billing now offers quite a few clear advantages that make it a compelling case for an alternative! Understanding the differences between these two billing models is especially important for businesses considering a shift in their pricing model.

Contrast In Terms of Flexibility

Subscription models are known for fixed pricing. In this model, customers pay a determined fee for a defined set of features or services used over a certain period which is usually monthly or annually. This fixed pricing provides predictability for both the company and the customer and makes things quite simple. Companies can guess revenue more accurately, while customers know exactly how much they will pay!

But here’s the catch! Subscription models are very, very limited when it comes to flexibility. They a lot of times do not align with the actual usage which leads to potential overpayment. Let’s have a look at an example here to understand this better. A customer may pay for a premium subscription plan with the most advanced features that they actually very rarely use, resulting not just in wasted resources but dissatisfaction as well. While on the opposite to it is a customer on a lower-tier plan facing usage limitations that are limiting them from using the services to their full needs.

In comparison to this, what the usage based billing model offers is variable pricing based on real usage! Customers are charged exactly according to the amount of service they have consumed.  What this does is that it allows for a more accurate translation of their needs. This billing model provides very high flexibility, thus accommodating different usage levels and making it the best option for businesses that have fluctuating demands. For example, a customer using a data analytics platform can naturally have periods of high activity followed by slower times. Usage based billing in this case will ensure they only pay for the resources they actually use during those peak times.

Impacts on Customer Retention and Satisfaction

Another important difference between usage based billing and fixed subscription based billing model is their overall impact on customer acquisition and retention. Subscription models can a lot of times present a major barrier for new customers, especially those who are reluctant to be bound to a long-term contract or are simply not sure about their future usage needs. Contrary to this, usage based billing with its pay-as-you-use approach, lowers the entry barrier and allows customers to start using the service with almost no commitment. This flexibility can attract a wide range of customers and increase the chances of trial and adoption.
In terms of customer retention, usage based billing offers a lot of different advantages. The transparency and fairness of usage-based pricing can improve customer satisfaction as well as loyalty. Customers are usually more likely to continue using a service when they feel that they are getting the right value for their money. In addition to that, usage-based billing allows customers to adjust their usage and spending according to their evolving needs which reduces the risk of dissatisfaction.

How usage based billing model aligns perfectly with customer expectations is especially important in the context of modern SaaS services. Customers of today’s dynamic age demand flexibility and value, and are more likely to choose service providers that offer billing models that are based on these preferences. SaaS companies can show their commitment to customer centric solutions and build stronger, more lasting relationships with their customers by adopting usage based billing models.

The Impact of Variability

Another thing is that the dynamic nature of the usage based billing model means that revenue can go up and down based on customer usage patterns. This variability can be an advantage but sometimes a challenge as well. While on one hand, it opens up the opportunity for growth as heavy users contribute more to the company's overall revenue, on the other hand it requires much more complex financial management to handle this specific unpredictability. What can be done is that businesses closely check usage trends and adjust their pricing strategies accordingly to make sure that they stay profitable.

Fulfilling Customer Expectations

Another major plus point of using usage based billing over subscriptions is that it aligns with customer expectations. In a traditional subscription model, customers can feel locked into a contract that does not stand for their actual needs. Usage-based billing provides a much fairer and more transparent pricing model where customers are only obliged to pay for what they use. This transparency fosters not just trust and satisfaction but often leads to higher customer retention.

Innovation and Experimentation Potential

Another big pro of usage-based billing is that it can support innovation and experimentation. Customers are very likely to try new features or services if they are not bound to a fixed subscription fee. This encourages SaaS companies to continuously improve their overall offerings and introduce new services or products that meet evolving customer demands. The ability to scale usage up or down also makes it easier for businesses to respond to changing market dynamics as well as customer preferences.

Cost Management

Last but definitely not least, usage based billing also supports and encourages efficient resource utilization as well as cost management. In a traditional subscription model, customers can be interested in overusing resources to get the most value out of their fixed fee. This behavior can lead to inefficiencies and increased total costs for the provider. In contrast, usage-based billing bounds customers to use resources more fairly, as their costs are directly linked to their usage. This way of pricing can lead to more sustainable and efficient usage patterns, benefiting not just the customer but the provider as well.

The summary of this is that while traditional subscription models offer predictability and simplicity, usage based billing ensures flexibility, transparency and alignment with customer expectations. By choosing and adopting usage-based billing, SaaS service providers can attract a wider, more diverse customer base, improve customer satisfaction and retention, push innovation, and optimize resource utilization. But what’s important to note here is that the choice between these billing models can depend on the specific needs and goals of the business! However, based on the given overview the advantages of usage-based billing make it a much more compelling option for most SaaS providers.

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Advantages of Usage-Based Billing Systems for SaaS

But what are some advantages of usage based billing systems for the SaaS industry? Let’s have a closer look!

Flexibility and Scalability

Let’s begin with the fact that Usage based billing offers unmatched flexibility and scalability. SaaS companies can, with the help of usage based billing models, cater to a wide range of customers with varying levels of usage and different requirements. This flexibility allows businesses to attract and retain customers across different segments, from small startups to large enterprises. Customers can start with a minimal usage tier and scale up as their needs grow, ensuring that they only pay for what they use.

Customer-Centric Approach

Usage-based billing is based on customer expectations for more fair and transparent pricing. Customers enjoy knowing that they are only being charged for what they use, which creates a sense of trust and satisfaction. This customer centric approach can in turn lead to higher retention rates and better loyalty. When customers know that they are getting the best value for their money, they are much more likely to continue using the service and even recommend it to others.

Revenue Generation and Growth

Another huge advantage of usage based billing is that it pushes revenue generation and growth! Usage based billing systems enable SaaS companies to better optimize their revenue streams. By taking the most value from heavy users and offering entry-level access to new customers, businesses can maximize their potential for revenue. This leveled approach allows businesses to manage different customer segments and gather more value from those who are using their services the most!

Market Penetration

Lower entry costs that are a fruit of usage based billing have the potential to attract a broader customer base, most importantly small businesses and startups. This broad market reach allows SaaS companies to get the attention of new customers who have been discouraged by high subscription fees. In addition to that, the flexibility of usage-based billing also makes things easier for customers as they can start using the service with the least amount of investment and scale their spending according to their growth.

Optimized Resource Usage

Usage based billing can help companies track usage in real time to gather valuable insights into how their services are being consumed. SaaS companies can then use this data to optimize resource allocation, improve services, and even identify potential areas where they can cut costs.

Competitive Differentiation

Get the competitive edge you want with usage based billing! Offering a usage-based billing option can, in many ways, set a SaaS company ahead in a competitive market. It shows a commitment to meeting customer needs and providing flexible, more cost effective solutions. This added plus can be a major factor in attracting and retaining customers who prioritize transparency and fairness.

Customer Engagement and Loyalty

Another major pro of usage based billing is that it promotes customer engagement and loyalty. Customers are far more likely to engage with a service when they know they are only paying for what they are using. This engagement leads to better satisfaction and retention rates, as users feel that they are receiving ideal value for their money.

Valuable Insights

Usage-based billing systems provide valuable insights into customer behavior and usage patterns. By tracking and analyzing usage data, SaaS companies can gain a deeper understanding of how their services are being utilized. This information then can be used to optimize services, improve customer support, and even identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

Enhanced Customer Experience

The flexibility and transparency of usage-based billing aligns exactly with customer expectations for personalized and services that are value driven. Customers love the ability to pay based on their actual usage, which drastically reduces the risk of overpayment and also makes sure that they receive full value for their money. This alignment with customer expectations can not just improve satisfaction and loyalty but can also promote long term relationships with valued customers.

Driving Innovation

Last but not least, usage based billing can support and push innovation within SaaS companies. The flexibility of this billing model encourages executives to experiment and innovate, as customers are more likely to try new products and services without the hurdle of being bound to a long-term subscription plan. As companies will receive valuable feedback from customers, this experimentation can drive product development and improvement to support more diverse customers!

Top 10 Usage-Based Billing Solutions for SaaS


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.

Amberflo.png is a cloud-native platform designed to simplify usage-based pricing and billing for modern businesses. Founded in 2023 and headquartered in Santa Clara, California, Amberflo focuses on providing real-time insights and facilitating operational efficiency for businesses offering SaaS solutions with usage-based or hybrid pricing models.


OneBill is a leading provider of end-to-end subscription and revenue management software designed for businesses of all sizes. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Santa Clara, California, OneBill offers a comprehensive suite of features to automate and simplify the entire quote-to-cash process.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.


(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.

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How to Choose a Billing Software

But with so many options out there, how do you choose the right usage based billing software? Let’s take a closer look shall we!

Key Factors to Consider

When choosing billing software for your SaaS business, make sure to consider a few key factors to ensure that it meets your specific needs! Here are some of the most important ones –


First of all, we have scalability! Scalability should be one of your primary choosing factors when selecting billing software for your usage-based billing system. As your business will grow, the volume of transactions and the number of customers will proportionally increase. The billing software you choose should be able to handle this growth without compromising overall performance or accuracy. Scalability plays a pivotal role in ensuring that the software can accommodate future growth and evolving business requirements. Because of that, it should be able to process large volumes of usage data, generate accurate invoices, and furthermore it should be able to support complex billing scenarios.

Let’s take the example of a SaaS company offering a communication platform that is experiencing significant growth in the number of total users and messages sent. The billing software should ideally be able to handle this increase in usage without slowing down or generating inaccurate invoices. What the point is, is that scalability ensures that the software can support your company's growth and provide a reliable billing solution.

Integration Capabilities

Seamless integration with existing systems, such as CRM, ERP, and accounting software, is essential for streamlined operations. The billing software should support APIs and other integration tools to ensure compatibility. Integration capabilities enable data to flow seamlessly between different systems, reducing the risk of errors and improving efficiency.
Have the example of integrating billing software with a CRM system that allows for real-time updates on customer usage and billing information. This integration ensures that customer data is always up-to-date and accurate, enhancing customer service and support. Integration with accounting software can streamline the invoicing and payment process, reducing administrative overhead and improving financial management.

Reporting and Analytics

Advanced reporting and analytics features are crucial for monitoring usage patterns, revenue trends, and customer behavior. These insights help in making informed business decisions and optimizing pricing strategies. Robust reporting and analytics tools provide valuable data that can be used to identify usage trends, forecast revenue, and make data-driven decisions.

For instance, a SaaS company offering a project management tool can use reporting and analytics features to track usage patterns and identify peak usage periods.

​This information can be used to optimize resource allocation and ensure that the platform meets customer needs. Reporting and analytics tools also provide insights into customer behavior, helping companies identify opportunities for upselling and cross-selling.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support is essential when dealing with complex billing systems. Ensure that the billing software provider offers comprehensive support, including technical assistance and regular updates. Customer support ensures that any issues or challenges can be addressed promptly, minimizing downtime and ensuring a smooth billing process.

For example, a SaaS company offering a data analytics platform may encounter technical issues with the billing software. Access to reliable customer support ensures that these issues can be resolved quickly, minimizing disruptions to the billing process and ensuring accurate invoicing. Regular updates and maintenance from the software provider ensure that the billing software remains up-to-date and compatible with evolving business requirements.

Pricing Flexibility

The billing software should support various pricing models, including pay-per-use, tiered pricing, and subscription-based models. Pricing flexibility allows SaaS companies to implement the most suitable pricing strategy for their business model and customer base. The software should enable customization of pricing structures to meet the specific needs of different customer segments.

For instance, a SaaS company offering a cloud storage solution may want to implement a tiered pricing model based on the amount of data stored and accessed. The billing software should support this flexibility, allowing the company to create different pricing tiers and customize the billing structure based on customer usage patterns. Pricing flexibility ensures that the company can offer competitive pricing and attract a diverse customer base.

In summary, choosing the right billing software involves considering key factors such as scalability, integration capabilities, reporting and analytics, customer support, and pricing flexibility. Ensuring that the billing software meets these criteria will enable SaaS companies to implement a reliable and efficient usage-based billing system that aligns with their business needs and customer expectations.


Usage-based billing systems offer significant advantages for SaaS companies, including flexibility, scalability, customer-centric pricing, and revenue optimization. By aligning pricing with actual usage, SaaS providers can enhance customer satisfaction, drive innovation, and improve resource utilization. When choosing billing software, it is essential to consider factors such as scalability, integration capabilities, reporting and analytics, customer support, and pricing flexibility. Implementing a usage-based billing system that meets these criteria will enable SaaS companies to optimize their revenue streams, attract a broader customer base, and provide a fair and transparent pricing structure that aligns with customer expectations.

Analicemos cómo Velmie ayuda a iniciar aplicaciones fintech

How to Choose a Billing Software
Top 10 Usage-Based Billing Solutions for SaaS
Overview of Usage-Based Billing Systems


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Velmie®️ es una marca registrada en la UE y el nombre comercial de Rolinus UAB, que es una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada registrada en Lituania con el número de registro 305684690. Rolinus UAB no ofrece ni proporciona servicios bancarios en su propio nombre o para sus afiliados y no es una banco, institución financiera o de pago. Todas las empresas, productos, servicios, marcas comerciales o nombres comerciales utilizados en este sitio web son propiedad de sus respectivos dueños y se utilizan en este sitio web únicamente con fines de identificación o información).

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