Finanzas integradas

Solución y Descripción General del Mercado, Pronóstico
Las finanzas integradas son un nuevo enfoque de los servicios financieros. Implica la integración de procesos financieros en productos o ecosistemas no financieros. Esta integración tiene como objetivo crear un recorrido fluido para el cliente.
¿Como funciona? Una empresa encuentra un socio en proveedores de servicios bancarios o financieros. Los productos del banco se integran al negocio a través de Interfaces de Programación de Aplicaciones, conocidas como API.
Esta configuración permite a las empresas ofrecer valor adicional. Pueden ofrecer servicios financieros sin convertirse ellos mismos en una institución regulada y brindar coherencia a sus clientes.
El Banco Mundial define las finanzas integradas como “la incorporación fluida de productos o servicios financieros a productos no financieros”. Algunos profesionales también se refieren a este proceso como “banca contextual”.
¿Porque es esto importante? ¡Porque está cambiando la forma en que hacemos las cosas! De hecho, solo en 2021, este sector generó20 mil millones de dólares en ingresos en los mercados estadounidenses, según informes de McKinsey.
2011 también fue especial porque Apple presentó Siri, que desde entonces se ha convertido en sinónimo de asistentes virtuales a nivel mundial.
¿Qué sigue para esta industria? Pues bien, los expertos prevén que su tamaño de mercado se duplicará en tan sólo tres a cinco años.
¿Qué soluciones ofrecen las finanzas integradas?
Imagínese entrar en una tienda, recoger un artículo y realizar un pago parcial para reservarlo. Pero no podrás llevarte el producto a casa hasta que esté totalmente pagado. Ese era el sistema tradicional de pago a plazos hace muchos años.
Las finanzas integradas son como un soplo de aire fresco en tales situaciones. Combina las finanzas a la perfección con la tecnología cotidiana que utilizamos, ¡incluidos nuestros teléfonos inteligentes! Esta innovación ha revelado nuevas formas para que los consumidores compren y disfruten los productos que desean al instante, ¡mientras pagan con el tiempo!
Insights Into the American Banking System and the Role of Regional Banks
Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, the American banking system has evolved to promote financial inclusion and make banking services easier for the residents. With different types of banks operating in the U.S. economy, the number of banks has shrunk over the past few decades with the Great Consolidation, and there are around 4100+ banks as of the year 2022. While regional banks are key drivers of the U.S. economy, they serve small businesses and individuals who cannot go to larger banks. Regional banks not only provide one-third of the financing that small businesses require — but also support individuals in the broader financial system. With the increasing importance of regional banks in the American banking system, it is crucial to understand the market trends and the key challenges that these banks are facing, which are going to increase even further in the upcoming years if the appropriate mitigation strategies are not adopted in the current times.
Market Trends for Regional Banks in 2024
El impacto de las finanzas integradas se está sintiendo en todo el mundo. Entonces, ¿qué está pasando exactamente en este mercado emergente? Su valor en 2022 fue la asombrosa cifra de 66.800 millones de dólares. Aquí no es donde se detiene¡Las proyecciones estiman que para 2032 alcanzará la asombrosa cifra de 622.900 millones de dólares!
Para comprender mejor este patrón de crecimiento, no será un eufemismo decir que su aumento anual es de aproximadamente el 25,4% anual desde 2023 hasta 2032.
Existen diferentes tipos de servicios dentro de las finanzas integradas, como pagos, préstamos, inversiones y seguros, cada uno con su función e impacto únicos.
Causa sensación en diversas industrias, como la venta minorista y el comercio electrónico, el transporte y la logística, los servicios de atención médica e incluso los medios y el entretenimiento.
Los países de todo el mundo pueden sentir sus efectos, pero regiones como América del Norte, Europa, Asia-Pacífico y LAMEA han recibido más atención. América del Norte lideró el grupo en 2022 con la tasa de crecimiento más alta. Las autoridades reguladoras aquí han estado observando este sector.
Están trabajando en leyes y normas que fomentarían la innovación y la competencia dentro de las finanzas integradas. Este enfoque proactivo de los reguladores norteamericanos está estimulando el crecimiento del mercado.
Mientras tanto, otra región a tener en cuenta es Asia-Pacífico. Muchos predicen que será el área de más rápido crecimiento en un futuro próximo. ¿Por qué? En parte debido a un cambio digital masivo en varios sectores allí, incluido el propio financiero.
Ventajas de las Finanzas Integradas
While regional banks have been growing over the past two decades, the recent failures of regional banks in the United States have shaken consumer confidence and regulators are increasing their scrutiny level to ensure that the failure does not happen again in the future. Amongst the top failures of regional banks include the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) and First Republic Bank, both of which failed within a period of 2 months in the year 2023.
1. Silicon Valley Bank (SVB)
The Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was a massive regional bank operating in California and largely serving the tech sector plunged into utter chaos in March 2023 with depositors demanding their money, and the collapse resulted in shock waves for the technology startups and venture capital firms. Within 48 hours of the collapse, there was complete disruption attracting regulatory reforms and increased scrutiny to control the situation.
Now the question remains as to why this regional bank that was booming and had a more stable position in the market as compared to its competitors failed. One of the most evident reasons for the Silicon Valley Bank run is the lack of diversification and high concentration in risky assets that initiated the crisis. Many of SVB’s depositors were tech startups that had been booming since the COVID-19 crisis, but with interest rates already hiked up and record-high inflation levels, the tech sector experienced massive layoffs and started pulling out their deposits from SVB.
On the other hand, SVB not only has sufficient funds to meet its liquidity requirements — but it could also not prevent its stock price from falling when investor confidence was shaken up.
Another crucial reason for this largest regional bank run could be the inefficient usage of software systems to manage liquidity and predict the situation to avoid its lack of solvency issues.
2. First Republic Bank
First Republic Bank was a regional bank based in San Francisco and had a comprehensive mortgage lending business that was booming. However, this business declined in 2023, and with the SVB bank run, the depositors of First Republic Bank also started to withdraw funds as the bank continued to deal with its liquidity crisis. In May 2023, regulators seized the bank and promised the depositors that they would receive their funds under the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s policies. With the liquidation of this bank, consumers have lost confidence in regional banks and the position of these banks in the U.S. economy is very weak with the development of the perspective that other regional banks would fail as well.
While discussing the market trends and the recent collapses of regional banks, it is also crucial to understand the key challenges faced by these banks in the current times, when the inflationary pressures are quite high and the global economy is facing a lot of difficulties in the post COVID-19 era.
Key Challenges Faced by Regional Banks
Con las finanzas integradas en juego, las empresas pueden integrar los procesos de pago de manera efectiva en los productos o servicios existentes que ofrecen. Intente visualizar las transacciones digitales como carreras a través de diferentes canales, ganando velocidad con cada salto, garantizando precisión en todo momento sin demoras ni contratiempos.
Las finanzas integradas también benefician tanto a las empresas como a sus clientes al ofrecer procesos simplificados para abordar asuntos financieros. En pocas palabras, las finanzas integradas permiten que las transacciones y el acceso a la financiación se manejen más fácilmente.
Imagínese una tienda que vende juguetes. Con los medios convencionales, tienen que esperar antes de recibir el pago por las compras o los préstamos de los clientes. Pero con la financiación integrada, estas empresas obtienen un acceso más rápido a estos fondos. Pueden utilizar este dinero inmediatamente, tal vez si quieren introducir nuevos juguetes basados en las últimas tendencias.
1. Competition with Larger Banks
While regional banks operate in the middle ground between community and national banks, they face immense competition from larger banks, which not only makes their survival difficult — but also puts their investors into a dilemma, especially if they are listed on the stock exchange. The shareholders might perceive that their investment in a regional bank might not yield a good return, which can encourage them to withdraw their investments pushing the price of the stock of a regional bank downwards.
2. Limited Resources
Apart from competition with larger banks, regional banks have limited resources when it comes to marketing, customer acquisition, and expanding the consumer base. Regional banks, in terms of the size of their assets, are not able to capture the clients that national banks can easily acquire, which restricts their profitability to a certain threshold. With their limited resources, it is not possible for regional banks to operate on a scale and serve a customer base that larger banks can cater to.
3. Maintaining Customer Relationships
One of the main challenges that regional banks face is maintaining customer relationships with the increasing competition and value-seeking behavior by customers. While the margins of large banks in the United States are declining up to 4.3%, as reported by Truist Financial Corp. for the year ended 2023, the situation is no different for regional banks, which operate at a smaller scale than the larger banks. With shrinking margins, regional banks are combating deteriorating
customer relationships since they do not have enough resources to invest in customer relationship management softwares and employee training to ensure amazing consumer experiences as they interact with the bank.
4. Outdated Software Systems
The usage of outdated software systems and the inability to invest in the latest technologies are causing regional banks to lose customers and face a severe decline in profitability, which makes their survival tough in the current economic conditions of the world. With the financial system going digital and branch traffic declining day by day, regional banks need to forgo their outdated software systems if they want to survive in the upcoming years. However, their limited resources and legacy branch systems are restricting them from embracing the technological revolution and implementing it into their business processes.
5. Strategic Business Model Adaptation and Growth
With the rapidly changing economic and business environment for financial institutions, regional banks fail to implement strategic business model adaptation according to the market trends, which not only hinders their growth — but also makes their survival a challenge in itself as they continue to compete with their competitors.
With these challenges persisting within the paradigm of regional banks, embracing technological changes and implementing digital transformation at the grassroot level is what all regional banks should focus on, which not only ensures profitability in the upcoming years — but also guarantees fast-paced growth.ears — but also guarantees fast-paced growth.

Principales empresas de finanzas integradas
Las finanzas integradas se están convirtiendo en un gran problema. Es una forma para que las empresas integren sin problemas los servicios financieros en sus modelos de negocio. Esta tendencia está cambiando rápidamente la forma en que operan las empresas, creando ventajas únicas e impulsando la innovación en el sector. Consideremos algunas empresas pioneras en este espacio.
Key Steps of Digitalization for Regional Banks
While regional banks want to implement digitalization within their business processes, they need to embrace technology and integrate it into their banking software platforms at the core level to ensure proper implementation.
Cloud Adoption
Cloud computing and adoption play a robust role in the banking and financial services industry as it not only streamlines operations — but also brings enhanced security features to protect user data. Regional banks need to evaluate whether they need a private or public cloud or even a hybrid cloud solution that addresses their operational dynamics appropriately.
Digital Assets
After ensuring cloud adoption and proper integration of their software systems, regional banks need to focus on their digital assets to not only enhance their payment solutions — but also manage their assets in a reliable manner. Digital assets include contractual arrangements, files, and payment integrations that serve the core purpose of banks, so it is important that regional banks build up a central repository and a digital assets management system that is linked to their core software system to ensure efficiency and proper integration.
Fintech Collaboration for Innovation
With fintech evolving and influencing every industry, the banking industry is no different. Regional banks that wish to prioritize innovation and enhance their business processes with mass technology implementation should focus on fintech collaborations to stay ahead of their competitors. With more than 13,000 fintechs operating in the United States alone, fintech collaborations are the future of innovation for the banking industry, especially regional banks that serve a massive customer base. Therefore, regional banks should collaborate with fintech platforms as a part of their digital transformation journey to ensure immense growth in the future.
Data-Driven Decision-Making
Regional banks need to focus on data-driven decision-making as they start their journey of digitalization, which will not only help with informed decision-making — but also enable the management of banks to predict outcomes
related to consumer demand, market outlook, and economic conditions. With the big data analytics market expected to cross $24 million in the next 5 years, implementing data-driven decision-making should be the priority of every regional bank’s digitalization strategy.
Building a Digital-First Culture
While regional banks are stuck in their legacy culture, building a digital-first culture is a crucial component for mass digitalization to revolutionize regional banking operations. Better employee engagement and assigning leadership to the workforce can help with the increased adoption of a digital-first culture for rapid digitalization. As the global digital transformation is expected to reach $1 trillion by 2025, building a digital-first culture is something that all regional banks should prioritize in the upcoming years.
Training & Development
No digitalization strategy can work efficiently without full support from the employees and the core teams of any regional bank. Therefore, focusing on training & development for their workforce is something that all regional banks could consider to ensure that their digitalization strategy enables them to achieve growth prospects as expected.
Embracing the Digital Transformation
With their mission of implementing digitization at the grass root level, regional banks need to embrace the digital transformation and revamp their software systems according to the preferences of their consumer base for mass adoption and to increase the demand of their diverse services.
Having understood why digital transformation is important for regional banks, the next step is to choose a banking software platform that not only handles a regional bank’s operations smoothly — but also adapts according to the demands of its customers.

Bancos y Fintech que utilizan con éxito
Tecnología financiera integrada
La tecnología de finanzas integradas está desempeñando un papel fundamental tanto para los bancos como para las empresas de tecnología financiera, orientándolos hacia un gran éxito. Los bancos han encontrado en esta tecnología un aliado. Las finanzas integradas no solo ayudan a retener a los clientes existentes, sino que también atraen a recién llegados expertos en tecnología que buscan esa comodidad de sus proveedores de servicios financieros.
Las empresas de tecnología financiera también muestran hazañas de excelencia al utilizar tecnología financiera integrada, ya que integran profundamente sus servicios con otras aplicaciones que los consumidores usan a diario, lo que hace que las tareas financieras sean más fáciles que nunca. Este enfoque práctico de las finanzas prescinde de hábitos bancarios obsoletos y adopta cambios adaptados a la base de clientes actual con inclinación digital. Esto se debe en gran medida a la incorporación de mecanismos de financiación en contextos fáciles de usar que ayudan a los bancos a asegurar su futuro, mientras que las empresas FinTech añaden valor en sectores más allá de las fronteras tradicionales.
A continuación se enumeran algunos de los bancos y empresas de tecnología financiera de renombre que están implementando finanzas integradas en sus operaciones.
Cloud computing and adoption play a robust role in the banking and financial services industry as it not only streamlines operations — but also brings enhanced security features to protect user data. Regional banks need to evaluate whether they need a private or public cloud or even a hybrid cloud solution that addresses their operational dynamics appropriately.
Cloud computing and adoption play a robust role in the banking and financial services industry as it not only streamlines operations — but also brings enhanced security features to protect user data. Regional banks need to evaluate whether they need a private or public cloud or even a hybrid cloud solution that addresses their operational dynamics appropriately.
Security and Compliance
While security and compliance hold great importance for any banking software platform, regional banks need to look for a platform that guarantees the privacy and security of their users to avoid any data breaches. highlights that around 92% of the banking applications contain 1 medium-risk software vulnerability, making security and compliance with the regulatory policies even more complex. Therefore, regional banks should choose a software platform that not only ensures optimal security and compliance — but also safeguards their customer base from data breaches and confidential information leakages.
Vendor Reputation
Vendor reputation plays an integral part in choosing any banking software platform as it not only implies the past experience of a vendor through precedents of software platforms available — but also makes it easier for any regional bank to figure out which software platform can cater to its customer base efficiently. Therefore, vendor reputation is something that regional banks should look for in software platforms.
Domain-Specific Expertise
The domain-specific expertise does not just deal with financial transactions and distribution processes; it also defines the ways through which customers interact with the banking software. Regional banks deal with a massive customer base, so they need to have diverse domain-specific expertise for efficient transaction processing and customer relationship management.

Top-10 Software platforms for regional banks
JPMorgan Chase está fortaleciendo sus servicios asociándose con Gusto, una empresa de nóminas basada en la nube. El objetivo es ofrecer mejores servicios a las pequeñas y medianas empresas. Esta colaboración denota una actualización en la plataforma Chase Payment Solutions. A esta plataforma se incorporará una característica especial denominada API, extraída de la tecnología de Gusto.
Entonces, ¿cuál es el beneficio aquí? Simplifica las tareas de las empresas comerciales; Ahora se puede acceder a los procedimientos bancarios, de pagos y de nómina en un solo lugar con solo iniciar sesión en Josh Reeves, director ejecutivo de Gusto, expresó su entusiasmo por esta función diciendo: "Es la misma experiencia, con el mismo inicio de sesión... todo se vuelve más fácil cuando se encuentra en un entorno de ventanilla única".
Chase reconoció que avanzar en esta tecnología requeriría mucho tiempo y trabajo y decidió trabajar junto con la startup de software Gusto, que fue la decisión más inteligente. Este paso puso a Chase al día con otros gigantes de la tecnología financiera como Square y PayPal, que ya han hecho un buen uso de esos recursos financieros combinados.
¿Qué significa esto para las pequeñas y medianas empresas? Bueno, obtienen herramientas que simplifican los procesos impositivos y al mismo tiempo les ahorran tiempo y dinero valiosos. Esta iniciativa aborda con tacto los requisitos específicos de las industrias de pequeña escala, mejorando así el compromiso mediante una estrategia financiera integrada.
(Reino Unido) ClearBank se construyó con la creencia de que la infraestructura bancaria ya no frenaría el progreso. Más bien, sería el catalizador que libera el potencial para innovar. Se adaptaría para atender diferentes necesidades y así comenzar una nueva era en los servicios financieros.
Q2 Banking is a dynamic digital solution empowering financial institutions to grow and thrive. Trusted by top banks and credit unions, it offers personalized, robust experiences for consumers and businesses, driving differentiation, growth, and community strength. With comprehensive end-to-end solution sets, Q2 enables regional banks to provide cohesive, secure, data-driven experiences to every account holder – from consumer to small business and corporate. Headquartered in Austin, Texas, Q2 has offices throughout the world and is publicly traded on the NYSE under the stock symbol QTWO.
The Bottom Line
Lastly, software platforms are integral to the efficient functioning of regional banks. Having said that, choosing software platforms for regional banks requires an increased level of research and comparison between different vendors to identify which platform suits the needs of the masses. From a regional bank’s perspective, considering the economic situation and the current status of regional banks after the major collapses in 2023 relating to the Silicon Valley Bank and the First Republic Bank, regional banks need to adopt a digital-first culture, which will not only help them in regaining their position in the economy — but also build up consumer confidence.
By considering a holistic perspective of the American banking system, this guide attempts to explain the dynamics of regional banks, and a reliable software platform can be chosen for these banks, which not only protects their consumer base — but also ensures better financial inclusivity and uplifts the economy.
We hope this article will enable you to identify the best software platforms for regional banks to make banking and financial management easier for everyone, be it the banks, the consumers, or the stakeholders.